[Campaign Journal] Session IX-X: Bandit & The Eagle Hounds
Session IX
Adelaide, “knight stientist”
Lou Norman, mad scientist
Astaire “Hester”, wizard
Tugtar ‘the Bringer’
Jamila, loving mother, mysterious archer
Bandit, adventurer (found under a boat)
Spiritday, 8:00 PM
Standing in the rain alone, Lou follows the smoke trail to a driftwood fire in the mouth of a beach cave on the opposite shore. Lou lights a torch and signals to his friends across the lake, who take notice and decide to use the boats in the cave to row over their isolated friend. The party flips the boats over to find- a rabbitling adventurer! Adelaide recognizes her friend Bandit from school, but Bandit doesn’t. Up for adventure, he joins the party to go save Lou. Meanwhile, Lou runs away from a giant spider and is getting nervous when he sees his friends on the lake and rejoins them. Lou tells the party his ghost story in the boat, and they return to the cave for a night’s rest, keeping guard with a night watch. As Tugtar took his watch, a wheezing skeleton shambled up the shore, attracted to life. Lou gave the skeleton several stern warnings but still it came for Tugtar, smashing its dessicated bones. Lou chars some of the fingerbones and buries all but one of them. Astaire enjoys the sunrise and smokes his pipe on last watch.
The party wakes and eats hot dogs for breakfast, then sets off in the rowboats to the castle. Lou bemoans his room reservation and possessions in Tours-En-Savoy, and Bandit peals out a cavalry charge on his bugle. A flock of fifteen eagle hounds on the mountain ridge answer in a baying screech and begin flying toward the party, who row hard to a beachy island to stand and deliver. Arrows are loosed, the eagle hounds arrive, divebombing and snapping at the party. One hound falls into the water, rousing a plesiosaur from the depths of the lake, who breaches and catches a hound from the sky in its mouth. The hounds snap at the lake monster and at the party. The air is all paws, snapping beaks, and feathers, and then a second plesiosaur emerges from the lake, scattering the hounds again! The party takes advantage of the distraction to ship off in their boats. Tugtar tosses some extra eagle hound bodies into the water and last to board the boat. The party takes one last look back to see the eagles hounds flying around the lake monsters as one catches a hound from the sky and swallows it whole…
session: 100xp
fought 5 eagle hounds: 500xp
Tugtar, wheezing skeleton: 100xp

Session X
Adelaide, “knight stientist”
Lou Norman, mad scientist
Astaire “Hester”, wizard
Tugtar ‘the Bringer’
Jamila, loving mother, mysterious archer
Bandit, adventurer (found under a boat)
Workday 8:40 AM
The party makes a discreet escape from the attention they attracted between the eagle hounds and plesiosaurs and scoots their boats off the island. Tugtar stumbles over a saddle and drags it into the boat with him as they leave. With Lou rowing one boat, Tugtar the other, the party heads to Castle Xyntillan. Nearing the dock and west of the stairs to the courtyard above the party spies the underground cave tunnel they heard rumor of, and decide to boat in. Dangling roots grab Lou, disturbing bats that fly out of the cave. There is a brief kerfluffle as Adelaide is knocked overboard and Bandit jumps boats to save Lou, chewing off the roots. The party spies some golden items glinting in the water, and Jamila dives in to collect them, releasing a trapped rot grub. Surviving the encounter, she then spends some time studying underwater emblems along the cave walls. Declining to investigate them further, the party moves on with Bandit and his lantern at the fore of the first rowboat. Entering a larger chamber with a western shore, the party startles an elderly man there, who inquires their business. Lou frightens the man by impersonating a family member, so half the party gives chase. As Lou and Adelaide bring the boat ashore while Astaire smokes his pipe, they hear a sobbing in the darkness. Lou questions the voice about their past, then Astaire lights a torch, revealing them to be a pitiful diseased figure in rags. The trio decide to not hang around a diseased-looking person and rejoin Bandit, Tugtar, and Jamila, who have entered a theater. Bandit loots the stiff corpses in the benches. The elderly man from before comes wandering back, absent-minded and lost. Lou asks him questions and then the party leaves him to wander off. The party finds a passage backstage, and following suddenly finds themselves outside. A jolly Father Chlodowig greets them from his mossy cave. Astaire goes creeping in the woods and disturbs a patch of owlbears, to which the party responds by taking off up the passage leading to backstage of the theater. Bandit takes the head of the group, leading them upstairs. Heading up the hall past stacks of firewood, he opens an empty room, which leads to a bizarre carpeted room. Tugtar takes the lead, and opens a room where furniture is being chopped into firewood. Adelaide and Lou hear whispers and see mists coming from behind, and urge the party to hurry forward. Next to the firewood room, a empty bar tended by a ghost bartender is “cleaning” dirty glasses. Heeding the “Stay Out!” sign on the kitchen door, the party heads down another hall, and find a room with 3 goat statues and a salt statue pointing north.
Time: 11:30 AM
Lou, Grabbing Roots 50xp
Jamila, Rot Grub 100xp
Adelaide, thrown overboard by bats 50 xp